Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Thursday, 28th October, 2010, 4.51pm

So, tomorrow's a mufti day at my school (the name of which continuing to remain undisclosed) to raise money for the floods in Pakistan.

I don't know how Americans handle it.

When a mufti day is announced, everyone's overjoyed and starts planning what they're going to wear a month before.

I, on the other hand, don't really care about what I wear. I'll go out in a baggy jumper just as easily as I'll go out in anything else.

Until the afternoon before a mufti day.

The compulsion comes... instead of study, why not try on what you're going to wear? So on goes my faithful combo: black shirt and jeans. Okay. I'm comfortable, I don't look awful. My pants slip down a little, but I'll just wear my belt.

Five more seconds of looking at myself in the mirror and I'm ready to die.

This neckline looks like it's choking me. My boobs look too big. Is this necklace too plain? My belt puts a dent in my hips when it's this tight but does nothing if it's any looser, and rides my jeans up my ass. Lucky jeans. These pants aren't long enough.

Panic ensues.

Okay, so how about I change my top?

I take out a black singlet and a green cheese-cloth top. That looks nice. Oh, I have a necklace to go with this! This is going well! Now I'm looking at my jewellery... this bracelet would look wonderful with it too! And this one! And this one! And this one! Why am I suddenly wearing four bracelets and two necklaces? Do all the bracelets belong on my left wrist, and my watch can live on my right? The string on my top obscures my beautiful necklace... Will anyone else wear bracelets? Or more importantly, will only bitches wear bracelets? I don't want to look like a bitch! So... what would Mary wear? *thinks* Kitten t-shirt and jeans. No jewellery. But this necklace is so nice... What about Trisha? *thinks* Jeans and a t-shirt, probably chickening out of a necklace at the last moment. I don't want to look over-dressed next to her. But this all looks so nice...

*turns in mirror* Oh no... how fat do I look! This shirt doesn't show off anything! Aw shit, I forgot... I don't have anything to show off... But what if I did!? Can I create the illusion that I have something to show off?

Not without looking like a bitch. Why is my hair so flooffy? I really hope it doesn't tangle in my necklace... *fiddles with bracelets* *wags arm* *is weighed down by arm* *rather by bracelets*

I'll be judged no matter what I do. For this or for that, someone's going to think worse of me. I want people to get a good impression, even though they see me almost every freaking day of their lives and anyone who has an opinion to form has formed one.

If I wear the cheesecloth, I look fat[ter] and have to wear jewellery which, although creates a nice effect, makes me look like a gypsy. If I wear the shirt, I look like a cool teenager, but on the musician side of cool rather than the bitchy side of cool.

But there'll be people who look a thousand times cooler than me (DAMN YOU GABBY!!!), and that's when people will notice how short my jeans are (damn my long legs), how silly my belt makes me look and me pulling up my pants like an idiot when I don't wear my belt.

Almost makes me want to wear my uniform.


Fuckin' mufti days.


brightseries said...

Dear dear Emma, in our society, big boobs and long legs (preferably blonde) are celebrated traits. c: Haha...LOL, this is what happens to you every time there's mufti days? Wow, talk about hectic.

brightseries said...


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