Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Thursday, 21st October, 2010, 12.28am

Chucky's back.

Less than half an hour after than she left last time.


Chucky needs a life.

Chucky also needs to stop making references to movies she hasn't seen.

Whatever- I made a blog to ramble about what's happening in my life, not to introduce myself.


Today I was all excited because it was my first day in the school band.

Backstory: I played the piano for about 5-6 years, but all but quit about six months ago and replaced it with the bass. Ever since then I've been dedicatedly and devotedly self-teaching everything I can.

But as I'm self-teaching, and not in a band, I don't have anyone to play with or to show what I've done. A bass is not a solo instrument. So I decided to join the band. There are a bunch of other reasons too, but screw them.

I showed up at band exactly on time, and everything worked itself out wonderfully - apparently everyone was sick of their previous pieces (all pop, ew) and as we have Performing Arts Night next week, the woman who runs the band Amara decided to give us a piece to perform then - Sway, by Pablo Beltran Ruiz and Norman Gimbel, I believe, but covered by everyone under the sun from Rosemary to Bubblies.

I like that piece - I like jazz overall in fact, it's plenty of fun.

I sat with and shared an amp with my metalhead electric guitarist friend who's a year younger than me (in year 9) Josie and we had a great time.

We sightread all through the hour, which was a challenge particularly as I'm used to reading tabs for bass, but I scribbled in my tabs (hooray for cheating!) and played well ^^ I think!

So I have a week, and I'm determined to get this piece perfect!

Problem is, I can't find a perfect backing track for my practicing - they're all too short for the transcription I have. I guess I'm just going to have to keep going awkwardly after the music fades away.



I wanted to play in the orchestra too so that I could a) keep Josie company and b) miss ASP (Active Sports Program - an hour and a half of sport), but apparently I had to hand in some note previously and as I didn't know about it, I was rejected, which kind of broke my heart, but I figure I hate playing churchy music anyway. What would a bass do in an orchestra?

So I just read Dogs, Bullets & Carnage Volume 2 until I finished it, then watched my year do ceroc dancing (basically like spinning on a wheely chair; it just keeps on turning until someone pukes).

Well it's getting late and I still have to feed and play with my ratties :)

I've spent the past week with my mum giving my rat Beau medicine through a syringe every morning and night (you have NO idea how hard it is!) to stop her from sneezing, and she almost completely stopped sneezing after the prescription finished up, but she's sneezing like crazy again.

Going to have to get another set of doses ;(

I had to keep Beau in a separate cage so Izzy wouldn't get sick, but they missed each other so much and Beau escaped so many times in mad attempts to go see the rat who's like a sister to her, I can't do that to them again.

I'm going to have to find some way around this...

Wish me luck!

PS. I write A LOT, in case you hadn't noticed yet, and that's a huge drawback in my writing in general, so from now on I'm going to try and keep my posts as short and sweet as possible!


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